Monday, May 21, 2012

Soprano XL-6 sessions verdict

So, this blog has been totally neglected!

I had my last (6th) session of Soprano at Bellair Beauty Bar before Christmas. Debbie was a great technician and extremely thorough. I think she made a difference. The results are kind of mediocre. I have some patches of significant hair reduction but some areas where there's still quite a lot. I think I need another  3 or 4 sessions. Debating it. I have Peachy Buy vouchers but actually tried to get a refund. I hate, hate, hate it that Bellair will NEVER answer an email. I don't want to have to call them to enquire about appointments or, for example, if they would do 4 bikini sessions for 2 vouchers instead of 6 for 3 vouchers. They also tend to be really difficult to arrange an appointment with. The owner responded to my Yelp review but seems to have disappeared since then. It all seems a bit shady!

Shave website

Shave website have an Apple competition going at the moment so I've been browsing their site. It's pitched at men (the clue is in the name) but that doesn't mean it's not possible to find some good info.
I enjoyed this article on weightlifting. It makes some really good points-including the importance of warming up, not wasting time and not showing off. See so many people sitting around in the gym texting on the bench instead of working out or lifting more weight than they're comfortable with to look strong but doing it with terrible form!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Zero scale versus Quantum scale (or none at all?)

I blogged about the Quantum scale previously.  I loved the idea of a scale that just tells you how much weight you are losing rather than the actual number.  For some reason, the numbers just don't suit me.  A day can be ruined just by getting the "wrong" one.  No matter how much I'm told that it's just a number, it doesn't stick.  It always means more...and it's never good enough.
I've tended to lose weight/fat before by focusing more on clothes or measurements until I felt I was in good enough shape to cope with the number.  I'm so out of shape at the moment that I don't even want to look at the tape measure numbers.  I also need to lose a good bit so that it would take weeks before my clothes would feel looser.  It's hard to keep motivated.
The Zero Scale seems like an even better prospect than the Quantum scale.  It has the same idea-tells you how much your weight has changed.  It has the added functions of supporting multiple users too and a guest function which will show the actual (evil) number too.  This sounds far better to me-it's a scale you could continue to use for maintenance once goal was reached.  It also just looks like it's a better product.
I have been super impressed by the customer service they offer.  I emailed to ask about shipping to Canada and got an incredibly speedy response.   The director went to the trouble of investigating it himself and getting back to me.  The customs and shipping bring the price up a lot but I'm still seriously considering the purchase because it's a great idea and I now believe in the company too.  Quantum scale, on the other hand, eventually answered my latest email after many ignored ones.  They're geographically closer, but much further away from my idea of customer care.

Isn't the zero scale pretty?  All nice and shiny?

Meanwhile, I've been back on the "diet" for the past week or so.  I haven't been strict at all really.  It's been more of an easing into it which seems to be working.   I reckoned I could either be really strict and potentially give up, or start moderately and gradually remove things bit by bit.  First steps were switching to salad with chicken for lunch and to raw almonds for snacks.  Continuing in the gym.  More about that later!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Soprano XL-update again!

I've been the world's worst blogger.  Should have updated forever ago.
So...the experience with Soprano and Bellair Beauty Bar has been a bit mixed.  The girl currently at the Yorkville location is fantastic.  I really like her and she seems to genuinely want me to have good results.  The first few sessions weren't quite as fun.
The sessions haven't all been completely pain free.  Sometimes it does hurt.  Not terribly and not for long...but it definitely smarts at times when I'm getting my bikini line done.  Underarms are fine.
Results have been mixed.  After the 1st and 3rd sessions I thought I was doing well.  I got lots of regrowth after the 2nd and again after the 4th; although it was finer after the 4th session.  I had my 5th one 2 weeks ago now and I'm noticing some shedding now which I hope is a  good sign.
I really don't know whether or not to recommend it.  I've just had my second last session so it all really hangs on how successful it and the last one are.  At the moment I'm far from hair free.  In a moment of craziness I bought 2 more vouchers with the aim of getting my lower legs done when my tan fades.  I shouldn't be allowed on group buy websites...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Soprano XL-update

This blog has been so neglected!

I went back for my second Soprano XL treatment at Bellair Beauty Bar in Yorkville around Easter.  I left a meeting in work early to get there on time.  I regretted that decision when they kept me waiting 20 mins beyond my appointment time!  The girl I had was quite sweet though and asked me how the last session had worked.  I was happy overall-apart from a line of hair on my bikini line.  She said it was due to different phases of the hair growth cycle which I didn't quite believe.  It would be quite strange for ALL the hairs in one straight strip to be at exactly the same point in their cycle I would imagine.  I think it's more likely they were missed.
Anyway, she got to work and zapped away.  It was painless again.
The hair was slow enough to grow back but there's definitely more regrowth than after the first treatment. I've had to shave my underarms a few times.  The hair seems a little finer but I've lost those hairless patches I had after the first treatment.
Still a work in progress so we'll see how it all goes.  I didn't really expect it to work after 2 sessions anyway!  I'm just glad I'm paying the group buy voucher price....

Bodymedia activity monitor-the downside

I'm absolutely loving the summer weather in Toronto now!  The winter seemed so so long.  The downside I've found is that summer clothing and the Bodymedia monitor (Bodybugg/GoWear Fit) really do not go together.  No matter how they try to market it on the website, it's obvious and bulky.   It's bad enough under clothes (I became good at finding tops with just the right amount of room and fabric in the arms) but nearly impossible to hide under a t-shirt.  Most just don't have sleeves almost to the elbow which is what you need!

It's a fun device to wear but I wonder about the actual calorie count it gives.  I lost weight without it before so maybe it's time to take the summer off having something strapped around my arm.  The Fitbit is a much nicer size but I'm not sure I want to invest in something else just yet.

It could be time to go back a step and stick with my heart rate monitor for the gym and my pedometer.  I think making sure I do an adequate workout and trying to keep my steps up amount to the same thing as getting a good calorie total on the GoWear Fit anyway.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Second thoughts about Quantum scale...

I recently posted about what a good idea I thought the Quantum Scale was.  I hate looking at the number on the scale-it's not just a number for me.  I also have quite a bit of weight to lose so it will be ages before my clothes start feeling different.  It's hard to stick with a diet when there's no feedback and seeing the pounds go down would really help.
The problem?  I've emailed and used the contact form to ask if they ever give trial models for blogs etc.  I've tweeted them.  I've looked at their Facebook page which is just full of spam.   How can I pay $70 (after tax and shipping) for a product that is only sold online if the company completely refuses to interact online?  The answer is that I can't.  If anything went wrong, I would have nobody to contact.  I can't even be sure that I would ever get the product.  It's almost like they don't exist.   I've ordered many things online and relied on good communication to trust the company.  This company has not endeared me to them...