Sunday, February 27, 2011

Botox makes you happy!

Another one of those articles saying that Botox improves quality of life.  It's again based on the feedback idea-if you're not frowning your brain thinks you're happier.  I kind of believe it actually.  Before I got my frown/glabellar lines injected I found I was unconsciously frowning all the time and it seemed to prepetuate itself.  Now I sometimes forget how to frown and just don't seem to find myself attempting the movement as much.  If it was free I'm sure I'd be completely ecstatic!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Botox to my glabellar/frown lines....the second time!

It's a week now since I had my second ever Botox treatment.  I was using up a Groupon that I bought for 20 units at DLK and also bought another 5 units.  The initial treatment from Dr Torgerson was 25 units and I ended up getting another 10 a few weeks later because I felt like I was still frowning a bit.
This seems to have worked more completely.  I felt that Diana at DLK injected a little more laterally and really tried to see how I frowned.  I pretty much can't do it now which I hope means the lines will be even softer....and it was with fewer units than the last time!

So, this was just over a week ago-the day of the injection when initial treatment was wearing off:

This is today:


And at rest-

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Latisse at 3 months!

This is a few days late being posted-my best time for messing around online is at the weekends.  I did take the photos on the 16th though which I think is as close to 3 months from the date I started as I could do.

I'm still finding it easy to do-just a couple of minutes every night.  I got 3 months out of the first bottle by not doing it quite by the instructions and using my own clean brushes.  The next bottle should last much longer-hope to reduce down to every few days in a month or so.

It's hard to see huge differences day to day now.  I think I'm too used to looking at myself!  I like applying mascara now though-it's not just a chore to make my eyes look somewhat respectable.  The lashes on the right eye are kind of recovering from their difficult phase and becoming a bit more manageable.  The left eye is much better but they're not quite as unruly.  A heated eyelash curler from Sephora has really helped for the straight segment!

I've had no side effects after the first few weeks-if you don't count a new obsession with looking at lashes and wanting every mascara.  Or my lashes occasionally tipping my glasses!

Here are the new ones:

Without mascara:

With Clinique high impact curling

 And as a reminder, the pre Latisse pics (which I'm sorry I didn't take with mascara too!):

And my eyes haven't changed colour.  They're hazel though so look different depending on the day/time/surrounding colours!

I've also been putting any excess from the brush on my brows.  It seems to have filled them out a little at the ends and the gap in the left brow has filled in.  Now I just need to pluck them into a decent shape...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Time for more Botox!

I got my first Botox treatment to my glabellar lines at the start of November (with a little extra a few weeks later).  Prior to trying it I had bought a $99 Groupon for 20 units of Botox at DLK on Avenue.  The voucher expires in April so I thought it should be used!  I don't have full movement back in my forehead yet but it's definitely wearing off.  I even felt like I was getting a tension headache during the week!

I initially thought they weren't going to help me out and allow me to make an appointment by email-it's pretty impossible to make personal calls in work-but they did in the end, thankfully.  The voucher was for nurse administered Botox.  I felt better about that after seeing Dr Kellett on the 16:9 exposé saying that she gets her nurse to do her Botox!   First appointment included a consultation with Dr Kellett though.  Initially I was scheduled for Thursday the 10th but an emergency meant that everyone that afternoon had to be rescheduled.  Luckily Dr Kellett decided to make up for it today (Saturday 12th) and they kindly slotted me in.

The clinic is lovely and on Avenue Rd in Toronto, just a little north of Whole Foods.  Everyone was absolutely lovely.  I filled out the usual medical questionnaire and a consent form.  Diana was my nurse and brought me to the treatment room to wait for Dr Kellett.  I wasn't waiting long.  They were both really nice-very friendly and chatty with a knack for putting people at ease.  We didn't discuss the Botox hugely because I'd already had it.  I asked for 5 extra units (at $12/unit) just to make sure I was definitely treated.  Diana suggested some above my brows to lift them.  I had been vaguely toying with it recently...but decided to think about it a little more first.  I asked her about my lips too.  She thought they were a good shape and colour (thanks Diana!) and said that she uses Botox herself for lip lines...which is the same as a few others (not Dr Torgerson though).  I think I might go for it next time!

The treatment was super quick and barely felt it.  It's obvious that Diana has done this thousands of times.   She gave great post-procedure instructions as well which I didn't get the last time. No more Googling!  Need not have gotten up early to go to the gym...only have to avoid exercise and lying down for 3 hours.

I also asked if I could get some Latisse and they obliged.  I liked it that I actually filled out a questionnaire about my eye's another thing that wasn't covered before.  Dr Kellett and I compared our results.  We both really like it!

I think I'd be happy heading back there for other things-they have a lot on offer including peels, lasers, injectables and Dr Kellett's own line of products.  I liked the atmosphere, it was squeaky clean and everybody was lovely (and very very good).

Here's my "pre" this time.  Better camera (shudder).  Discovered that the lines show up best without the flash:

And soon I'll update my Latisse experience-the 3 month version! I started it on November 16th so sometime in the next few days.  Spoiler: the post will include the importance of an eyelash curler for crazy lashes!